I don't care how good you are, I don't care how talented you are, I don't care how much you
work on yourself, There are some times when things aren't going to go right.
there are times when anything that can happen, will happen. Life happens. The unexpected.
The uncalled for. The unintentional. We've been damaged emotionally. Damaged spiritually.
It may be your business. It may be your heart that is broken today. It may be the number in your
a bank account that is screaming you are broke. You break physically, you can break mentally,
You can break your heart, You can break your spirit. And all of those are going to leave a mark.
But the mark that they leave can be the mark of victory or it can be the mark of defeat.
It is staying with the breaking that produces the blessing. It is not what you go through that
determines where you end up. It's who you listen to. Cause I think right now, you are walking
through a valley between two voices. one is wisdom, one is worry. one is gratitude, one is
grumbling. One is blaming, one is faith. Because every time you brake, and in every way that you
break, While it's a chance for you to give up and for you to fall apart, but there's also
opportunity to get stronger.
And get smarter, and get faster, and get tougher, and get more stable, and get more resilient,
and get better. What I need you to do is I need you to find a reason to keep going. And if you
can find a reason to keep going, I know you're strong enough to do it, 'cause you're human.
and every human has what it takes to get past whatever they going through if they decide to.
Push through it. Push through it tragedy and trials come to everybody, only the strong survive.
The fight isn't over. The fight is just beginning. You have the opportunity to show the world.
What you are made of. I need you to look at that sickness that's going on in your life right
now, whatever it is, I want you to say, I can beat it. I can be it, I will beat it, I must, I got a family
to live for, I am not through yet, my life is not over yet. That’s some things in life, you don't
need no degree for it, don't need any money for it, you don't need any support for it, there's
something in life you just going to get through when you tell yourself, I’m going to get through
this. Regardless of what happens to you in life,
regardless of the adversity, regardless of the opposition, regardless of the trial and tribulation,
nothing can stop you. The only thing that can stop you is you. No situation, no circumstance, no
piece of adversity can define your life, never let the circumstance define you. And I’m not
retreating. I’m not running. I don't care what they say on paper. I don't care if you say we
outnumbered. We live by this and we die by this. We don't retreat.
We don't run, we going to stand, we going to Live, we going to die by what we stand for, and
everybody going to know what we represent and what we're a part of. I got staying power.
I got staying power be encouraged today that no matter what you walk through, no matter how
broken your marriage is, no matter how many times you failed, there is within you a spirit that is
greater than whatever is going on around you. if you would be willing to fight your way through
this battle, fight your way through cancer,
fight your way through that academic struggle, fight your way through divorce, fight your way
through it, if you are willing to fight your way through that singing career, fight your way through
boxing, fight your way through football I’m telling you at the end of the fight it's going to come
victory. And as you crawl up and out of that dismal and wretched place, as you rise above
what you were, and as you take the form of who you are supposed to be, you will see that in the
very act of standing up, in the very act of fighting on, you will become and you will remain
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